College Services

  • Full Team Playing Abroad Webinar

    1-hour overview for your full team on the process, lifestyle, and options of playing professionally after college. Receive advice, real-life anecdotes, and guidance on how navigate and learn what to expect in the journey of playing after college.

    $350 (bundles available)

  • Graduating Players Consultation

    An intensive Q&A and more specifics about how to best prepare for a career abroad and understand the process of how to get there. This is meant to be bundled for graduating players who have already been through a full team seminar and have definitive interest in playing post-graduation.

    $100 (bundles available)

  • Graduating Players Webinar

    The full playing abroad webinar and consultation all in one. We will educate and inform upperclassmen and graduating players on what their next steps should looks like to best prepare to play professional following graduation. We dive into topics such as agents, country levels, trials, contract expectations, and survival/lifestyle tips from current pro players

    $400 (bundles available)

  • Coaches Info Session / Consultation

    Consultation with the coaching staff providing guidance and information on how to best support their players in the process of playing after college (from a player's perspective).

    $100 (bundles available)

  • Pro Panel

    Private panel with current pros abroad and in the US to learn about their journeys, their process of getting to the professional level, and what life is like when you get there.


Bundle Options

The Reviews


of participants rated their overall satisfaction of TPN’s seminar as 5/5 on a scale of 1-5.


of participants stated the TPN seminar improved their understanding of the process/experience of playing professionally after college

I like that you guys talked about all the different options and that there’s no one right path. I also really appreciated you guys being open and honest about playing abroad. It’s so helpful to hear from people that have experienced all of this first hand
— College Player
It was honestly so helpful and I left with a lot of new information and ideas for my next steps!
— College Player
I loved the timeline you guys created for graduating players and the differences depending on when you’re graduating.
— College Player

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